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Why do we believe our strategy works?

The market is in need of new housing.

As of 2020, Freddie Mac estimates that the U.S. is about 3.8 million houses short of demand.1

What's more, the starter-home sector has collapsed. In 1982, 40 percent of all new homes constructed in this country were "entry-level" size, or smaller than 1,400 square feet. By 2022, that number had fallen to 7 percent.2

And demand is fierce. We now have 68 million millennials and 62 million baby boomers competing for about 700,000 homes.3

Where is the opportunity?

Select regions offer high potential.

  • Denver
  • Austin
  • Sacramento
  • Southern California
  • The Bay Area
  • Raleigh
  • Maryland
  • Salt Lake City
  • Seattle

What do these locations offer strategically? They're statistically more attractive to millennials and other first-time buyers,4 have expensive housing markets with supply shortages,5 and have high rates of new home construction.6

Our secret sauce

We anchor it all with data.

We utilize thousands of data points to target new opportunities for our funds.

Our proprietary algorithm (developed for exclusive use by True Life Capital) identifies areas of high potential, often right down to the city block.

From there, we follow a carefully designed process to bring properties into our funds, seeking to choose only those with the highest likelihood of returns.

Three steps to success

How properties cycle through our funds

Step 1: "Acquire"

After identifying property with high potential in one of our target markets, we utilize purchase-and-sale agreements to bring it into our funds.

The property then undergoes due diligence and committee review to make sure it's right for our strategy. This process is highly selective. Out of every 100 properties we identify as "high potential," only about five are chosen for our funds.

Step 2: Entitle/Design

The next step of the process is split into two phases: Entitle and Design.


In this phase, our repurposing team secures jurisdictional approvals necessary for our projects. This requires deep local expertise, which is why we have offices in nine regions nationwide.


Then we design a site plan for the property — often right down to the sprinkler heads. Together, the Entitle/Design step can take 24 to 36 months on average.

Step 3: Sell

Finally, we sell the completed plans and shovel-ready parcels to the nation's top home building companies. And then we repeat the process.

How does True Life Capital help investors achieve liquidity?

Our 1-3-5 Path to Liquidity1 (outlined on our About page) aims to provide a clear roadmap to investor returns through our innovative fund structure. Because our funds include numerous properties in all stages of development, our projected schedule of returns is designed to begin the day your money is invested, with the first distributions intended in year one. Contact a team member to learn more.

1 There are no assurances these results can be achieved.
Is this an income strategy or a growth strategy?

It's primarily intended to function as a growth strategy. Thanks to our 1-3-5 Path to Liquidity1 (see our About page for more detail), initial distributions are intended within the first year of investment, and the opportunity for reinvestment is always open to our fund participants. Contact a team member to learn more about how our offerings can fit your unique needs.

1 There are no assurances these results can be achieved.
Does TLC own property?

No. One of the most unique features of our strategy is our focus on controlling property rather than owning it. We accomplish this with purchase-and-sale agreements, which we use to bring properties into our funds without owning them directly. The potential advantages of a control strategy include the requirement of less up-front capital; greater influence over site plans; no need to manage leases, tenants, and taxes; the potential for more leverage in negotiations with owners; and a limitation of risk to project-specific capital and time. Contact a team member to learn more.